Memory's Hill Stables (I)

Memory's Hill Stables

May 11 & 12, 2024

Green Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Parlay Lucy Matzke 20.00
Reserve Master Plan Ashley Dettor 14.00
Low Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Lucky Charm Anne Liskey 20.00
Working Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Reserve Modelo Caroline Light 14.00
Childrens Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Reserve Alibi Britni Cash 14.00
Adult Amateur Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Debonaire Shannon Dignard 20.00
Small/Medium Pony Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Barn Mouse Kasey Evans 20.00
Reserve Forever Faithful Kherington Marlowe 14.00
Intermediate Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion My Better Half Bailey Chamberland 20.00
Reserve Parlay Lucy Matzke 14.00
Special Children's Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Appealing Details Grace Caudill 20.00
Reserve Anchors Ahead Henry Lesko 14.00
Special Adult Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Bernini Ashley Holsinger 20.00
Reserve Stone Harbor Annie Shawver 14.00
Adult Hunter Pleasure Horse
  Horse Owner Points
Reserve Ollie Oop Brittany Jacobs 14.00
Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Capitol II Margaret O'Connor 20.00
Hunter Pleasure Pony
  Horse Owner Points
Champion My Better Half Bailey Chamberland 20.00
Short Stirrup Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Diamonds and Pearls Virginia Lesko 20.00
Beginner Equitation
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Unknown Horse Margaret O'Connor 20.00
Short Stirrup Equitation
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Unknown Horse Virginia Lesko 20.00

Class: 5 - Green Hunter    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Parlay, Michael Golinowski 10.00
2 Master Plan, Olin Armstrong 6.00
4 Levity, Savannah Jordan 2.00
5 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 1.00
6 Can Do, Cassidy Meadows 0.50

Class: 6 - Green Hunter    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Parlay, Michael Golinowski 10.00
2 Master Plan, Olin Armstrong 6.00
3 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 4.00
4 Levity, Savannah Jordan 2.00
6 Can Do, Cassidy Meadows 0.50

Class: 7 - Green Hunter    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Master Plan, Olin Armstrong 10.00
2 Levity, Savannah Jordan 6.00
3 Parlay, Michael Golinowski 4.00
4 Can Do, Cassidy Meadows 2.00
5 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 1.00

Class: 8 - Green Hunter U/S    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Parlay, Michael Golinowski 10.00
2 Master Plan, Olin Armstrong 6.00
3 Levity, Savannah Jordan 4.00
5 Can Do, Cassidy Meadows 1.00
6 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 0.50

Class: 9 - Low Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lucky Charm, Michael Golinowski 10.00

Class: 9 - Working Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Modelo, Caroline Light 6.00

Class: 10 - Low Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lucky Charm, Michael Golinowski 10.00

Class: 10 - Working Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Modelo, Caroline Light 4.00

Class: 11 - Low Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Lucky Charm, Michael Golinowski 4.00

Class: 12 - Working Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Modelo, Caroline Light 10.00

Class: 17 - Adult Amateur Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Debonaire, Shannon Dignard 10.00
2 Prince of Fools, Kristen Watkins 6.00

Class: 18 - Adult Amateur Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Debonaire, Shannon Dignard 6.00
3 Prince of Fools, Kristen Watkins 4.00

Class: 19 - Adult Amateur Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Encore, Lucy Wallace 10.00
2 Prince of Fools, Kristen Watkins 6.00
3 Debonaire, Shannon Dignard 4.00

Class: 20 - Adult Amateur Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Debonaire, Shannon Dignard 6.00
3 Prince of Fools, Kristen Watkins 4.00

Class: 21 - Childrens Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Alibi, Emily Futty 6.00
3 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 4.00

Class: 22 - Childrens Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Alibi, Emily Futty 6.00
3 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 4.00

Class: 23 - Childrens Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Alibi, Emily Futty 6.00
3 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 4.00

Class: 24 - Childrens Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Alibi, Emily Futty 10.00
3 The Ultimate Skywalker, Sarah Maggi 4.00

Class: 25 - Adult Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Ollie Oop, Brittany Jacobs 10.00
3 Get Your Island On, Beth Smith 0.00

Class: 26 - Adult Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Ollie Oop, Brittany Jacobs 6.00
4 Get Your Island On, Beth Smith 0.00

Class: 27 - Adult Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Ollie Oop, Brittany Jacobs 6.00
4 Get Your Island On, Beth Smith 0.00

Class: 28 - Hunter Pleasure Pony    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 10.00
2 Rolie Polie Olie, Atreyu Jacobs 6.00
3 My Remedy, Kate Pettrey 4.00

Class: 29 - Hunter Pleasure Pony    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 10.00
4 My Remedy, Kate Pettrey 2.00
5 Rolie Polie Olie, Atreyu Jacobs 1.00

Class: 30 - Hunter Pleasure Pony    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 10.00
4 Rolie Polie Olie, Atreyu Jacobs 2.00
5 My Remedy, Kate Pettrey 1.00

Class: 31 - Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Capitol II, Margaret O'Connor 10.00
3 Ollie Oop, Bailey Chamberland 4.00
5 Parlay, Lucy Matzke 1.00

Class: 32 - Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Capitol II, Margaret O'Connor 6.00
3 Ollie Oop, Bailey Chamberland 4.00
5 Pirate's Booty, Ellie Rice 1.00
6 The Ultimate Skywalker, Marlea Blake 0.50

Class: 33 - Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Pirate's Booty, Ellie Rice 10.00
3 Capitol II, Margaret O'Connor 4.00
6 Ollie Oop, Bailey Chamberland 0.50

Class: 41 - Beginner Equitation    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Margaret O'Connor 10.00
2 Parker Haium 6.00
3 Ellie Rice 4.00

Class: 41 - Pre-Beginner Equitation    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
5 Talia Plehn 1.00

Class: 42 - Beginner Equitation    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Margaret O'Connor 10.00
2 Ellie Rice 6.00
4 Parker Haium 2.00
5 Marlea Blake 1.00

Class: 43 - Beginner Equitation    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Margaret O'Connor 10.00
4 Ellie Rice 2.00
5 Marlea Blake 1.00
6 Parker Haium 0.50

Class: 43 - Pre-Beginner Equitation    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Talia Plehn 4.00

Class: 44 - Beginner Equitation flat    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Margaret O'Connor 10.00
5 Parker Haium 1.00

Class: 44 - Pre-Beginner Equitation flat    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Talia Plehn 6.00

Class: 48 - Intermediate Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Belgian Waffle, Jaelyn Jackson 10.00
2 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 6.00
3 Parlay, Lucy Matzke 4.00

Class: 49 - Intermediate Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 10.00
2 Parlay, Lucy Matzke 6.00

Class: 50 - Intermediate Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Parlay, Lucy Matzke 10.00
2 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 6.00
3 Belgian Waffle, Jaelyn Jackson 4.00

Class: 51 - Intermediate Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 My Better Half, Bailey Chamberland 10.00
2 Belgian Waffle, Jaelyn Jackson 6.00
3 Parlay, Lucy Matzke 4.00

Class: 52 - Small/Medium Pony Hunter    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Barn Mouse, Tommy Mays 10.00
2 Funfetti, India Mooney 6.00
3 Forever Faithful, Kherington Marlowe 4.00

Class: 53 - Small/Medium Pony Hunter    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Barn Mouse, Tommy Mays 10.00
2 Funfetti, India Mooney 6.00
4 Forever Faithful, Kherington Marlowe 2.00

Class: 54 - Small/Medium Pony Hunter    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Forever Faithful, Kherington Marlowe 10.00
2 Funfetti, India Mooney 6.00
3 Barn Mouse, Tommy Mays 4.00

Class: 55 - Small/Medium Pony Hunter U/S    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Forever Faithful, Kherington Marlowe 10.00
2 Barn Mouse, Tommy Mays 6.00
4 Funfetti, India Mooney 2.00

Class: 60 - Special Children's Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Appealing Details, Grace Caudill 10.00
2 Anchors Ahead, Henry Lesko 6.00
3 Corduroy, Avery Piller 4.00

Class: 61 - Special Children's Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Appealing Details, Grace Caudill 10.00
2 Anchors Ahead 0.00
3 Corduroy, Avery Piller 4.00

Class: 62 - Special Children's Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Anchors Ahead, Henry Lesko 10.00
2 Corduroy, Avery Piller 6.00
3 Appealing Details, Grace Caudill 4.00

Class: 63 - Special Children's Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Appealing Details, Grace Caudill 10.00
2 Anchors Ahead, Henry Lesko 6.00
3 Corduroy, Avery Piller 4.00

Class: 64 - Special Adult Hunter    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bernini, Sarah Nolley 10.00
2 Stone Harbor, Annie Shawver 6.00
3 Dear Heart, Katie Kelly 4.00
4 Don Perignon, Brianne Lefanowicz 2.00

Class: 65 - Special Adult Hunter    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bernini, Sarah Nolley 10.00
2 Stone Harbor, Annie Shawver 6.00
3 Don Perignon, Brianne Lefanowicz 4.00
4 Dear Heart, Katie Kelly 2.00

Class: 66 - Special Adult Hunter    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Stone Harbor, Annie Shawver 10.00
2 Dear Heart, Katie Kelly 6.00
3 Don Perignon, Brianne Lefanowicz 4.00
4 Bernini, Sarah Nolley 2.00

Class: 67 - Special Adult Hunter U/S    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Dear Heart, Katie Kelly 10.00
2 Bernini, Sarah Nolley 6.00
3 Stone Harbor, Annie Shawver 4.00
4 Don Perignon, Brianne Lefanowicz 2.00

Class: 75 - Adult Equitation on the Flat    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Annie Shawver 10.00
2 Lucy Wallace 6.00
3 Hannah Plaugher 4.00

Class: 76 - Junior Equitation on the Flat 14 & under    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Marlea Blake 6.00
4 Bailey Chamberland 2.00
5 Ellie Rice 1.00
6 Jaelyn Jackson 0.50

Class: 76 - Junior Equitation on the Flat 15-17    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Sarah Maggi 10.00
2 Emily Futty 6.00
3 Henry Lesko 4.00
4 Chloe Keplinger 2.00

Class: 78 - Hunter Seat Medal    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lydia Nelson 10.00
3 Emily Futty 4.00

Class: 78 - Adult Medal    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Lucy Wallace 6.00

Class: 86 - Short Stirrup Equitation    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Virginia Lesko 6.00
4 Atreyu Jacobs 2.00
5 Clover Kershaw 1.00

Class: 87 - Short Stirrup Equitation    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Virginia Lesko 10.00
2 Clover Kershaw 6.00
4 Atreyu Jacobs 2.00

Class: 88 - Short Stirrup Equitation O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Virginia Lesko 10.00
4 Clover Kershaw 2.00

Class: 89 - Short Stirrup Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Diamonds and Pearls, Virginia Lesko 6.00
4 Wayward Eagle, Clover Kershaw 2.00

Class: 90 - Short Stirrup Hunter    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Diamonds and Pearls, Virginia Lesko 4.00
4 Wayward Eagle, Clover Kershaw 2.00

Class: 91 - Short Stirrup Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Diamonds and Pearls, Virginia Lesko 10.00
2 Wayward Eagle, Clover Kershaw 6.00
3 Rolie Polie Olie, Atreyu Jacobs 4.00

Class: 101 - Special Children's Hunter Classic    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Appealing Details, Grace Caudill 10.00
3 Corduroy, Avery Piller 4.00

Class: 101 - Special Adult Hunter Classic    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Dear Heart, Katie Kelly 6.00

Class: 101 - Small/Medium Pony Hunter Classic    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
5 Barn Mouse, Tommy Mays 1.00
6 Forever Faithful, Kherington Marlowe 0.50

Provided by OrgPro
